

History of MATCH in NC

In 2019, the North Carolina Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services (DMHDDSAS), a division of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS), and Judge Baker Children’s Center (JBCC), an affiliate of Harvard Medical School, began collaborating to bring the Modular Approach to Therapy for Children with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma or Conduct Problems (MATCH) to Provider Agencies throughout North Carolina. From 2019-2020, DMHDDSAS, in partnership with Alliance Health Managed Care Organization, funded the first cohort of the MATCH Learning Collaborative.

In 2020, DMHDDSAS and JBCC partnered again to train a second cohort of Provider Agencies in North Carolina in the MATCH model from 2020-2021. DMHDDSAS, in partnership with Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Managed Care Organization, funded the second cohort of the MATCH Learning Collaborative.

In the MATCH Learning Collaborative, JBCC provides intensive training and consultation in MATCH, as well as implementation and continuous quality improvement in the model. Select trained clinicians have the opportunity to become MATCH agency supervisors, who can train more clinicians within their organization in the MATCH model. Participating providers include: Alexander Youth NetworkB&D Integrated Health ServicesCarolina OutreachCoastal Horizons CenterCumberland County CommuniCareEasterseals UCPFamily SolutionsMonarchPinnacle Family ServicesRenaissance Wellness ServicesWomen, Children and Family Counseling, Family Service of the Piedmont, and Yelverton’s Enrichment Services

MATCH is an excellent clinical model for children and adolescents ages 6-17 who will receive outpatient services on the Tailored Plan. MATCH provides better attention for kids with more complex needs. It can also increase the effectiveness of outpatient therapy for beneficiaries enrolled in Standard Plans.